De Utrechtse Fondsen Vastgoed C.V. (UFCV) is an investment fund that invests in Dutch residential property in the mid-priced segment. The Fund’s portfolio is located mainly in cities close to the major cities (in the Randstad area) or in the suburbs of large cities just outside the city centres. The Fund also has a relatively large presence in the cities in the KAN area (the Arnhem-Nijmegen metropolitan area), a strong region in the east of the Randstad.
Amvest has been the fund manager for UFCV since 1 July 2019. The Amvest Residential Core Fund is the sole investor in UFCV. The UFCV housing portfolio in 2023 comprises over 1.300 high-quality homes and they are on average relatively young properties. They are virtually all unregulated rental homes. A large part of the portfolio is made up of single person homes.
The UFCV’s aim is to have an economically robust portfolio, resulting in systematically low vacancy rates and a high degree of long-term stability in dividend returns. UFCV distributes the operational results of the property portfolio and the Fund is currently not open for new investors.
De Utrechtse Fondsen Vastgoed C.V. pursues an active ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) policy. Sustainability in the broad sense. We have established concrete ESG objectives on the back of discussions with tenants, investors, property managers, developers and our staff. These and other non-financial criteria form fixed elements of our portfolio management.
On the page Sustainable Investing you can find various documents on our sustainable investment policy and SFDR statements, such as:
A leading fund manager and an experienced and dedicated team go hand-in-hand. Under the responsibility of the Fund’s board, each Fund at Amvest is directed by a driven portfolio manager, supported by a team of asset managers and technical managers. They maintain close contact with contractors, real estate managers and tenants via the Amvest Tenant Platform and a range of tenant associations. The team has the support of a specialised and efficient back office.